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Adding New Translations

You can help us add new authentic translations to Tanzil by sending us the translation text according to the format described below.

Translation file

Each translation used in Tanzil is simply composed of a single text file in UTF-8 encoding. Each line of this text file corresponds to a single aya, in the same order appeared in the holy quran. Thus, every translation file has exactly 6236 lines.

You can find examples of our translation files at this page.


  • The translation file can be in any language, as long as it is encoded in UTF-8.
  • Each line of the translation file can be optionally started with the sura:aya number.
  • Footnotes and explanatory comments coming after each aya must be put inside double braces [[...]].

How to submit a translation

Prepare the translation file according to the format described above. Then send us the file along with the following information:

  • The name of the translator, in both English and the local language.
  • The source from which the translation is obtained or extracted, along with an original copy if available.
  • The translation information, such as the year of publication, and the copyright holder (if there is any).
  • The translator's biography (preferably a link to the translator's page on Wikipedia).

Please submit the prepared files directly to admin at tanzil dot net.

Tanzil © 2007–2025