Quran Text Translations Spread Documents

Muhammad Sarwar

Change Log

Minor fixes
Wed, 1 Aug 2012 00:00:02 -0400
-955 +955
Alif. Lam. Mim. Sad.
Several fixes
Tue, 14 Sep 2010 00:38:47 -0400
-1 +1
In In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
Duplicate lines removed
Fri, 4 Jun 2010 20:00:03 -0400
-6236 +6236
who induce temptation into the hearts of mankind.
Major spacing and punctuation fixes
Fri, 4 Jun 2010 19:56:23 -0400
-48 +48
Believe in My revelations (Quran) that confirms what I revealed to you ( about (about Prophet Muhammad in your Scripture). Do not be the first ones to deny it nor sell My revelations for a small price, but have fear of Me.
-108 +108
When a Messenger of God came to them confirming the ( original) (original) revelation that they already had received, a group of those who had the Scripture with them, threw the Book of God behind their backs as if they did not know anything about it.
-133 +133
When Abraham prayed to the Lord saying , saying, "Lord, make this town a place of security and provide those in the town who believe in God and the Day of Judgement, with plenty," God replied, "I shall allow those who hide the truth to enjoy themselves for a while. Then I shall drive them into the torment of hell fire, a terrible destination!"
-149 +149
Fools will soon say, "What has made them (Muslims) change the direction to which they had been facing during their prayers (the qibla) ?" qibla)?" (Muhammad), tell them, "Both the East and West belong to God and He guides (whomever He wants), to the right direction."
-162 +162
We shall test you through fear, hunger, loss of life, property, and crops . crops. (Muhammad), give glad news to the people who have patience
-203 +203
Complete the hajj and umrah (two parts of the rituals of pilgrimage to Makka ) Makka) in obedience to God. If you are prevented from completing the duty of hajj, offer whatever sacrifice is possible and do not shave your heads before the sacrificial animal is delivered to the prescribed place. If one of you is ill or is suffering because of some ailment in your head, you must redeem the shaving of the head by fasting, or paying money, or offering a sheep as a sacrifice. When all is well with you and you want to complete the umrah in the hajj season, offer whatever sacrifice is possible. If you do not find an animal, you have to fast for three days during the days of the pilgrimage rituals and seven days at home to complete the required ten fasting days. This rule is for those who live beyond (a distance of twelve miles from) the Sacred Mosque in Mecca. Have fear of God and know that He is stern in His retribution.
-418 +418
Certainly, if you have patience and piety, even if the enemy attacks immediately after this, God will help you with another force of five thousand angels, all splendidly ( and (and or distinctly marked) dressed.
-434 +434
test the faith of the believers, and deprive the unbelievers of ( His) (His) blessings.
-452 +452
Only through the Divine Mercy have you (Muhammad) been able to deal with your followers so gently. If you had been stern and hard-hearted, they would all have deserted you a long time ago. Forgive them and ask God to forgive (their sins) and consult with them in certain matters. But ,when But, when you reach a decision, trust God. God loves those who trust Him.
-539 +539
Some Jews take certain words out of context and by twisting their tongues to make a jest out of the true religion, say, "We heard and (in our hearts ) hearts) disobeyed. (Muhammad) ra`ina (be kind to us) but they intend thereby (the meaning in their own language): "Listen! May God turn you deaf." They should have said, "We heard and obeyed. (Muhammad) listen and consider our question." This would have been better for them and more righteous. God has condemned them for their disbelief, thus, no one, except a few among them, will have faith.
-725 +725
One whose guardians are God, His Messenger ,and Messenger, and the true believers should know that God's party will certainly triumph.
-779 +779
When God said, "Jesus, son of Mary, recall My favors to you and your mother. (Recall) how I supported you by the holy spirit, made you speak to people from your cradle and when you grew up, taught you the Book, gave you wisdom, the Torah, and the Gospel. (Recall) when, by My will, you made a sculpture of a bird out of clay, blew into it, and it turned into a real bird by My Will. (Recall) how, by My will, you healed the deaf, the lepers, and raised the dead. (Recall ) (Recall) when you came to the Israelites in the house with clear miracles and I saved you from their mischief, even though the disbelievers among them said, "This is obviously magic".
-873 +873
We gave (Abraham) Isaac and Jacob. Both had received Our guidance. Noah received Our guidance before Abraham and so did his descendants:David, descendants: David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. Thus is the reward for the righteous people.
-1157 +1157
If you , you, (Muhammad), do not show them a miracle, they will keep on insisting that you must show them one. Say, "I only follow what is revealed to me from my Lord. This (Quran) contains wisdom for you from your Lord. It contains guidance and mercy for those who have faith.
-1202 +1202
Recall when your army was positioned at the less defensible brink of the valley, (the pagans') army had the more defensible higher side of the valley and the caravan was led (out of your reach) below. This situation did not take place according to your previous plans, otherwise, everything would have been different. (It was God's plan ) plan) to place you in a vulnerable position, exposed to the enemy and it was His plan to lead the caravan out of your reach) so that His decree that you would be granted a victory by a miracle would become a doubtless fact and so that those who were to be destroyed would face destruction with a clear knowledge of the Truth and those who were to survive would also survive with a clear knowledge of the Truth. God is All-hearing and All-knowing.
-1458 +1458
If you (people ) (people) have any doubt about what We have revealed to you (about the Day of Judgment and other matters of belief), ask those who read the Book that was revealed (to the Prophets who lived) before you. The truth has certainly come to you from your Lord. Thus, do not doubt it (in your heart),
-1468 +1468
(Muhammad), say, "People , "People, if you have doubt about my religion, know that I, certainly, do not worship the idols which you worship instead of God, but I worship God who causes you to die. I am commanded to believe (in His existence),
-1474 +1474
Alif. Lam. Ra . Ra. This is a Book from One who is All-wise and All-aware. Its verses are well composed and distinctly arranged (from one another)
-1550 +1550
When Our Messengers came to Lot ,he Lot, he became sorrowful and felt totally helpless. He said, "This is indeed a distressful day".
-1926 +1926
Besides their own burdens, on the Day of Judgment ,they Judgment, they will have to carry on the burdens of those whom they have misled without knowledge. How evil that burden will be!
-2287 +2287
(The followers of Jesus) turned themselves into quarrelling sects. The disbelievers shall face a woeful condition on the great Day (of Judgment ). Judgment).
-2860 +2860
They have also said, "It ,(the "It, (the Quran), is only ancient legends, which were written down while they were dictated to him in the mornings and the evenings".
-3413 +3413
All matters of the past and future are in the hands of God.The God. The believers will enjoy the help of God on that Day.
-4295 +4295
This is the glad news which God gives to His servants, the righteously striving believers. (Muhammad), say, "I do not ask you for any payment for my preaching to you except (your) love of(my of (my near) relatives." Whoever achieves virtue will have its merit increased. God is All-forgiving and Appreciating.
-5495 +5495
Your Lord knows that you and a group of those who are with you get up for prayer sometimes for less than two-thirds of the night, sometimes half and sometimes one-third of it. God determines the duration of the night and day. He knew that it would be hard for you to keep an exact account of the timing of the night prayers, so He turned to you with forgiveness. Thus, recite from the Quran as much as possible. He knew that some of you would be sick, others would travel in the land to seek God's favors, and still others would fight for the cause of God. Thus, recite from the Quran as much as possible, be steadfast in prayer, pay the zakat , zakat, and give virtuous loans to God. Whatever good deeds you save for the next life, you will certainly find them with God. This is the best investment, and for this you will find the greatest reward. Ask forgiveness from God. God is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
-6009 +6009
However, when his Lord tests him by a measured amount of sustenance , sustenance, he says, "God has disgraced me".
First version
Fri, 4 Jun 2010 19:54:20 -0400
-0,0 +1,6236
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
All praise belongs to God, Lord of the Universe,
the Beneficent, the Merciful
and Master of the Day of Judgment
(Lord), You alone We do worship and from You alone we do seek assistance
(Lord), guide us to the right path,
the path of those to whom You have granted blessings, those who are neither subject to Your anger nor have gone astray.
Alif. Lam. Mim.
There is no doubt that this book is a guide for the pious;
the pious who believe in the unseen, attend to prayer, give in charity part of what We have granted them;
who have faith in what has been revealed to you and others before you and have strong faith in the life hereafter.
It is the pious who follow the guidance of their Lord and gain lasting happiness.
Those who deny your message will not believe whether you warn them or not
God has sealed their hearts and hearing and their vision is veiled; a great punishment awaits them.
Some people say, "We believe in God and the Day of Judgment," but they are not true believers.
They deceive God and the believers. However, they have deceived no one but themselves, a fact of which they are not aware.
A sickness exists in their hearts to which God adds more sickness. Besides this, they will suffer a painful punishment as a result of the lie which they speak.
When they are told not to commit corruption in the land, they reply, "We are only reformers".
They, certainly, are corrupt but do not realize it.
When they are told to believe as everyone else does, they say, "Should we believe as fools do?" In fact, they themselves are fools, but they do not know it.
To the believers they declare belief and, in secret to their own devils, they say, "We were only mocking".
God mocks them and gives them time to continue blindly in their transgressions.
They have traded guidance for error, but their bargain has had no profit and they have missed the true guidance.
(Their case) is like that of one who kindles a fire and when it grows bright God takes away its light leaving him in darkness (wherein) he cannot see (anything).
They are deaf, blind, and dumb and cannot regain their senses.
Or it is like that of a rain storm with darkness, thunder, and lightning approaching. They cover their ears for fear of thunder and death. God encompasses those who deny His words.
The lightning almost takes away their vision. When the lightning brightens their surroundings, they walk and when it is dark, they stand still. Had God wanted, He could have taken away their hearing and their vision. God has power over all things.
People, worship your Lord who created you and those who lived before you, so that you may become pious.
Worship God who has rendered the earth as a floor for you and the sky as a dome for you and has sent water down from the sky to produce fruits for your sustenance. Do not knowingly set up anything as an equal to God.
Should you have any doubt about what We have revealed to Our servant, present one chapter comparable to it and call all your supporters, besides God, if your claim is true.
If you do not produce such a chapter and you never will then guard yourselves against the fire whose fuel will be people and stones and is prepared for those who hide the Truth.
(Muhammad), tell the righteously striving believers of the happy news, that for them there are gardens wherein streams flow. Whenever they get any fruit from the gardens as food, they will say, "This is just what we had before (we came here). These fruits are produced very much like them (those we had before)." They will have purified spouses and it is they who will live forever.
God does not hesitate to set forth parables of anything even a gnat. The believers know that it is the truth from their Lord, but those who deny the truth say, "What does God mean by such parables?" In fact, by such parables God misleads and guides many. However, He only misleads the evil doers
who break their established covenant with Him and the relations He has commanded to be kept and who spread evil in the land. These are the ones who lose a great deal.
How dare you deny the existence of God Who gave you life when you initially had no life. He will cause you to die and bring you to life again. Then you will return to His Presence.
It is He who created everything on earth for you. Then, directing His order towards the realm above, He turned it into seven heavens. He has knowledge of all things.
When your Lord said to the angels, "I am appointing someone as my deputy on earth," they said (almost protesting), "Are you going to appoint one who will commit corruption and bloodshed therein, even though we (are the ones who) commemorate Your Name and glorify You?" The Lord said, "I know that which you do not know".
He taught Adam all the names. Then He introduced (some intelligent beings) to the angels, asking them to tell Him the names of these beings, if the angels were true to their claim (that they more deserved to be His deputies on earth).
The angels replied, "You are glorious indeed! We do not know more than what You have taught us. You alone are All-knowing and All-wise".
The Lord said to Adam, "Tell the names of the beings to the angels." When Adam said their names, the Lord said, "Did I not tell you (angels) that I know the secrets of the heavens and the earth and all that you reveal or hide?"
When We told the angels to prostrate before Adam, they all obeyed except Iblis (Satan) who abstained out of pride and so he became one of those who deny the truth.
We told Adam to stay with his spouse (Eve) in the garden and enjoy the foods therein, but not to go near a certain tree lest he become one of the transgressors.
Satan made Adam and his spouse err and caused them to abandon the state in which they had been living. Then We said, "Descend, you are each other's enemies! The earth will be a dwelling place for you and it will provide you with sustenance for an appointed time.
Adam was inspired by some words (of prayer) through which he received forgiveness from his Lord, for He is All-forgiving and All-merciful.
We ordered them all to get out of the garden and told them that when Our guidance came to them, those who would follow it would have neither fear nor grief.
But those who would deny the Truth and reject Our revelations would be the companions of the Fire in which they would live forever.
Children of Israel, recall My favors which you enjoyed. Fulfill your covenant with Me and I shall fulfill Mine. Revere only Me.
Believe in My revelations (Quran) that confirms what I revealed to you ( about Prophet Muhammad in your Scripture). Do not be the first ones to deny it nor sell My revelations for a small price, but have fear of Me.
Do not mix truth with falsehood and do not deliberately hide the truth
Be steadfast in prayer, pay the religious tax (zakat) and bow down in worship with those who do the same.
Would you order people to do good deeds and forget to do them yourselves even though you read the Book? Why do you not think?
Help yourselves (in your affairs) with patience and prayer. It is a difficult task indeed, but not for the humble ones
who are certain of their meeting with their Lord and their return to Him.
Children of Israel, recall My favors to you and the preference that I gave to you over all nations.
Have fear of the day when every soul will be responsible for itself. No intercession or ransom will be accepted and no one will receive help.
(Children of Israel, recall My favor) of saving you from the Pharaoh's people who afflicted you with the worst kind of cruelty, slaying your sons and sparing your women. Your suffering was indeed a great trial from your Lord.